





Why Video Matters if You Want to Keep & Grow Your Customer Base

What is Video Content Marketing?

Video content marketing is when brands create video content to advance their profile online.

Video is usually published on a social network, YouTube being the leading video platform.

Although, it can also come in the form of

  • Webinars
  • Courses
  • Live video
  • Self-hosted video

When executed well, video can be a compelling way for a brand to spread its message in a format that is easily accessible to a large audience.

It works with both B2C and B2B content strategies.

The exceptional thing about video content marketing is that it is becoming easier and easier to do it effectively.

This means marketers now have an option for every business, even those without traditional video recording or editing skills.

Why video is important

If you’re still questioning if video is worth the hassle, I hope I’ll be able to convince you to get started.

Learning and educational content alone drives over a billion views a day on YouTube. That was back in 2018.

In 2021, with covid-19 having taken place, that number has increased drastically, and it is a surety that video is the present and the future.

30% of YouTube searches are for How To type videos

Yes, that’s right, one-third of people searching YouTube (the world’s second-largest search engine, right behind Google, which owns YouTube) are hunting for How To videos. The number of people searching How To Videos is growing dramatically every year.

What tutorial can you put online that educates potential customers about your products and services?

The aforementioned could be a simple explanation of how to construct something, a training video on how to fix an issue or demonstrate the value of your service, or how your product is superior to your competitors.

Video builds trust, which drives sales:

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying,

“people do business with those they know, like, and trust.”

Since video is the most foolproof way to showcase your products, services, and company, making a How-to video is an easy way to kick off the trust-building process.

A new study I conducted with one of my clients, let’s call her Natalia, found that her new page visitors were eight times more likely to make a purchase after watching How-To videos explaining her tech products and services.

So it goes without saying…

if you want the fastest way to build trust with your potential customers, make How-To videos.

Videos explain and tell it the way we’re used to communicating:

Text-heavy education, even with images, is rarely read thoroughly, if at all. It’s so much more natural to watch a video that both visually shows a process and also walks a viewer through those steps.

I’m currently working with a SAAS company to take their instruction manuals and create a video series for their main product line.

Those videos will then be placed on the company’s website, supplied to the sales reps, and distributed to the support team. I’ve seen this work graciously with some of my real estate entrepreneurs who take video seriously.

They generally use these videos for marketing their software or service since their competition has taken video as a religious practice and their growing visible domination in the market share shows it.

Trust me (or my clients) when they say ( there’s nothing comparable to having your videos played by your competitor’s customers, and you live to see them become your evangelists.)

Talk about an easy way to build trust.

I’m on a mission to correct the lack of video content in the B2B & B2C market.

If I’ve helped share some light about video marketing and you plan to actually start doing it, subscribe to my monthly newsletter to learn more about how video can change your business.

Yours Truly,


Seriously, Subscribe Below. 😉

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